Term Three - 2020

Hi everyone! Welcome to term three. My how the year is flying by. There has been so much uncertainty and rapid change, it’s like trying to keep your hat on in the wind! I hope that families are feeling more settled and are looking forward to solid learning programs for their children to partake in.


We are very fortunate that Leah Stuart-Douglas has returned to us and is offering some exciting new programs as well as teaching piano and voice. 



Leah will be running an early years education program for small groups which includes music, art and nature play. Full of creative endeavours for children between 3-6 years old. She will also be doing a specialised program for children with disabilities. 


After school art is back for 6 years and up! 


At this stage we are hopeful that an examiner will be able to come to the house the beginning of December. If there are any changes to lock downs across the states then all exams will be videoed. There has been a positive response to this through series one. Theory exams will still take place on the scheduled date unless there is a lockdown and then they will then be done in the home with parents invigilating. So either way they will go ahead so keep students practicing! By now your teachers should have shown you the new on line process for enrolment and payment which makes things much easier for everyone all the way round.

The closing date has been extended to August 17th. 


Ari has been busy updating the website. Check it out! 

Our website and Facebook page will keep you updated with information on upcoming events and current news. For any additional enquiries please don’t hesitate to contact The House. 

Kind regards,

Lesley Gentilin (school director)